The Vampire Ministry provides information on the alternative culture of vampires in the modern world. Around the world the vampire myth has been prevalent from the earliest beginnings of humankind.
The Vampire has evolved from being a malevolent spirit or a reanimated corpse to an icon of immortality, a symbol for Halloween, and as an alternative lifestyle offering a positive way of life to those that feel outcast, different and prone to the darkerside of life.
The vampire of all the creatures of darkness are the most human like, because we are human. Perhaps this is why vampires have both frightened and fascinated humans.
The Vampire Ministry is not a place that discusses whether the vampire is real or how to destroy a vampire. The Vampire Ministry ministers to the needs of the vampire with information on heritage, traditions, and life in general for the modern vampire.

Such magazines as the one above are signs of the times that Vampires and all people of the night have validity as a people.