Witches and Vampires?
Now some of you may not agree with what I am about to say,and that is o.k.,you dont have to,but be open minded enough to at least consider it. I have researched the witch and vampire all my life, and I found that others also held what I am about to say as at least a possibility. I have found that the witch and vampire may have been at one time one in the same or at least the descriptive words used to descibe them. Up until recently the word "witch" has been used for a female magic-user,while "wizard","warlock" or even "magician" has been used for the male magic-user. However according to descriptions and sources that go back further, the male witch or magic user may have been called what we have come to call a "vampire".
"Like the werewolf(which was originally associated with the power of a witch), the vampire has been associated with witchcraft! The word itself comes from the hungarian and/or slavic, although some scholars suspect it may be of older origin, coming from possibly the turkish word for "witch"."Doreen Valiente-"ABC's of Witchcraft"
"The description of the vampire hold many similarities to the witch, Both spend much of their time at night as well as having knowledge of the supernatural arts."
" The power of the vampire is very great and many-sided, even in "his" lifetime can kill people and even eat them alive; can bring into being, or remove, various sicknesses and epidemics, storms, rain, hail, and such; He cast spells on the cows and their milk, the crops and the husbandry generally, he knows all the secrets and the future,etc. Besides this he can make himself invisible or transform himself into various objects, especially into animal forms."--Galacian Folklore.
So you see this is why I make my statement as I did. Heritage comes from many sources, and regardless of how we would like the rest of the world to think kindly upon us, we can not shun our heritage just to be accepted. The Witch communities of today , at least , the ones in the mainstream have shunned alot of the past, so as not to appear stereotyped. The vampire communities also have shunned old past stereotypes as well. No one wants to be associated with each other in "fear" that they might not be "accepted" or worse. I have heard such statements as ,"Oh, I am a witch but not a spell caster" or " I am a satanist but not a devil worshipper". There are even some "vampires" that have said that we shouldnt be assoociated with the "Left-hand path".
As a vampire we are not obligated to be this or that, we can be anything we want. Reliigion is a personal thing, the religion of the modern witch that has come to be called "wicca" was started in the shadows of the moon, but with renewed popularity has moved into the full rays of the sun, some say that a vampire cant be wiccan because of the rede "an it harm none", Vampires can harm none in fact can be quite helpful with healing both mentally and physically.
Some say that vampires shouldnt be associated with satanism, that it is too dark and scary. Well modern satanism offers understanding and acceptance of that which is different. Vampires have existed in almost all cultures in some sort of way, there are even some vampires that are christian. Gasp , horrors , shock! Not really, if you look at the christian bible, you will see that vampirism of sorts was prevalent. More on that later. I hope you understand what I am trying to say? Vampires can be anything, good, bad, or neutral. Possibilities are endless!
